Operation BackPack

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I am so excited about this coming Sunday, which is the culmination of Operation BackPack at both campuses.

In case you don't know what I'm talking about, NLC adopted 200 Angel Tree families and purchased backpacks full of back to school supplies for kids who otherwise would not have been able to afford them. By "NLC adopted" I mean that YOU took tags with the names of kids and went out and spent your own money on the stuff!

This Sunday we get to meet the kids and their families and give them their backpacks! We'll have bounce houses, tons of pizza, and the chance to love on these kids whom God loves so much. Whether or not you purchased a backpack, stick around after the service on both campuses and hug a kid or eight.

Here's the cool news - 40 kids have RSVPd at Matthews and 20 at Stone Creek so they will be there along with a family member or friend of some kind. What a great chance to give ourselves away and connect to some new friends!

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