Five Reasons To Join A Life Group

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Life Groups launch this week at Next Level, making it one of the very best weeks of the year. The good news for you is that you can still join one, but time is running out. For those of you on the fence, here are five ironclad reasons you MUST join a Life Group this semester.

1. Because NLC doesn't have Karate for Christ, Origami for Jesus, vaguely militaristic children's programs with team colors and odd competitions, Pancake Suppers, or tent revivals. You don't have time for that stuff, and neither do we. Life Groups and serving our community through the Give:Love Project - that is how we not only grow spiritually but connect relationally as well.

2. Because the Christian faith has never been a solo sport. It's basketball, not snowboarding.

3. Because we grow fastest spiritually not by our vertical experience of "feeling connected" on Sunday mornings during worship, but by the horizontal experience of loving the people God gives us to love day in and day out. And you can't fully practice the horizontal stuff unless you are in a Life Group. (And I have my Life Group from last night to thank for that insight!).

4. Because you will be guaranteed to have more friends at the end of this Life Group semester than you do now. That is, if you are in a Life Group.

5. Because you might score some cake. Last night, my Life Group presented my fiancee Miranda and I with a cake with pictures of our faces and the Twitter bird on it (we kinda, sorta met through Twitter). It made our week. Actually, our ENGAGEMENT made our week, but this was right up there. That's the kind of stuff that happens in Life Groups.

So join one, yo.

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