Time To Break Camp

Wednesday, February 03, 2010
"When we were at Mount Sinai, the Lord our God said to us, 'You have stayed at this mountain long enough. It is time to break camp and move on'" - Deuteronomy 1:6

For the Israelites, Mount Sinai was the ultimate "mountaintop experience". They had heard from God - literally - in a profound and direct way. The place was full of good memories and stories - some hard and some wonderful. They had set up camp, established a routine, knew the terrain, and life was good.

And then God said to move. Now.

As comfortable as the camp was, it was not their destiny. God had a bigger territory and a broader purpose for them.

It was time to break camp.

When you break camp your routine is disrupted, your comfortable shelters are torn down, there's a lot of work and fuss, you sweat and strain.

And, since you want to travel lightly to the next destination, you throw away everything you can.

Breaking camp is not fun, but it's necessary. You can't stay camped forever.

Is God saying to you "You have been here too long - time to break camp"?

Are you too comfortable, too warm, not risking enough, stuck in a spiritual routine that is turning rapidly into a rut?

The nature of a growing relationship with God is that we experience new things, take on new tasks, move away from bad habits and relationships, dare more and risk more for him.

The nature of discipleship is that it is about moving. The very word disciple means "follower" and you can't follow when you stay still. Even is a warm, secure, familiar camp.

Where do you need to break camp in your life? What's stopping you?

Don't stay still - you have been here long enough!

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