Wired For Sound (Todd)

Monday, December 15, 2008
So, today I walked into the new auditorium on the Matthews Campus and heard the sound system for the first time.

I was prepared to be impressed, but not prepared to be blown away. It is incredible! The space is incredible, the speed and quality of the work is incredible...I have used the word incredible a lot today.

I was so excited listening to a Sting CD (why Sting I am not totally sure) playing through the system, so impressed by the clarity of the sound and thanking God that thousands of people will be able to hear the Gospel with clarity in that space.

Can't wait for you to see it, in just a little over a week!


-All three campuses will be in the new auditorium for Christmas Eve worship at 7 PM. It won't be polished, all the furnishings won't be there, it will take a few weeks to iron out all the kinks, but we WILL be there - and it will be incredible!

-Who are you inviting to Christmas Eve? If you don't bring someone along, you will be kicking yourself later, so avoid the pain and invite someone(s) today!

-Our new schedule beginning January 4 (remember, no services on Dec 28) - ONE Sunday morning service at 11 AM in the new auditorium.

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