Automate The Important

Friday, November 18, 2011
In addition to being the pastor of Next Level Church, I’m also a financially contributing member. I give at least 10% of my pre-tax income to my church, and I wanted to share some of the reasons why.

First, I believe in our mission - to help every person we have the chance to influence take the next step in their relationship with God. I’m proud to be a part of a church that cares about reaching people far from God. I’m proud to be a part of a place where the mission is to reach people for Christ and help them follow one day at a time. People’s lives are being changed and this church is a part of that. Jesus said that our treasure would follow our heart, so because my heart is with this church, I want to financially support it.

Secondly, I care about the next generations - the ones in Kid City, Studio 45, and the Student Center. We spend a lot of time and energy and money caring for them and they are worth every minute and every penny. I want NLC to be a church where kids bring their parents, not just the other way around.

Thirdly, I give because God commands me to give. In the Old Testament, God commanded his people to tithe, and obedience wasn’t an option. In the New Testament, Jesus talks a lot about giving and money. Paul writes about money. He tells Christians this: “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Every month, we automatically give to our church because that honors God. We want to honor God, even when it’s difficult, even when things are tight.

I have no qualms about encouraging you to join me on this journey of generosity. One great way to make sure it happens is to give regularly and automatically online - thus automating the important

I want to encourage you to automate the important by setting up your online giving profile today!

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