Making Videos is Delicious

Friday, July 27, 2012
Hi, Harrison here. I'm not big on titles. I know that (especially in churches) we sometimes have a tendency to come up with some pretty important sounding titles for ourselves. Pastors seem to have this problem more than the rest of us... (Though it would be pretty cool to be called the "Incarnational Rhythm Architect!!!)

My official title is nothing very fancy: Pastor of Creative Arts. Basically, that means I am in charge of the things that happen creatively on Sunday mornings at Next Level Church, including music, video, technical productions, etc... I really enjoy my job.

Last week, however,  I got to experience one pretty sweet perk: filming and editing the video posted below. Not only was it a fun idea that turned out pretty cool, but the fajitas were delicious!

The video illustrates a serious point: our one and only plan to reach those disconnected from God is YOU! Invest in your friends, invite them to hear about a life changing message!


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