3 Ways to Kill Your Church

Monday, June 25, 2012
Next Level Church is a great church to be a part of, to serve, and to lead.  But we have to stay on our guard because great things don't happen by accident and they certainly don't stay great when people are complacent.  With that in mind here are three pitfalls, three potholes, three ways to Kill Your Church that we must avoid.

1. Decide that growth is more about what you know than what you do.
At the end of the sermon on the mount Jesus said, "now that you have heard these things blessed are you because you know them."  Just kidding. He actually said, "blessed are you if you do them."  Thinking that discipleship is about obtaining knowledge is like thinking that being a great chef is about eating food.  Sure you've got to do it to be a great chef, but that's hardly the point.  Growth is about learning to walk and talk and think like Jesus. So when it comes to being a disciple you've got to know it AND show it. 

2. Complain to anyone who will listen when you don't like the way things are going.
Part of the nature of being under authority means that a day will come when things will happen, and if you had been in charge you would have done it differently.  But complaining about it never solves anything whether in private or online. Instead it does three things. 1) It actually kindles your anger toward people and organizations; rather than being aimed at resolution you are aiming yourself at folly. 2) It builds factions.  It encourages people to take "your side" in a matter. And 3) it is a sin.  If you don't think complaining is a sin go back and read the account of the Israelites in the desert.  Call it complaining, call it grumbling, call it what you will, but it was sin.  So what do you do? For starters "love assumes the best" and then go ask a leader to explain the reasoning behind the decision.  You won't always get the answer you want, but you'll get a chance to hear your leader's heart.  And 9 times out of 10 that is enough.

3. Keep Your Hands to Yourself
When you were in kindergarten you were taught to "keep your hands to yourself" and this was great advice.  This was even better advice when you were seventeen.  But when it comes to church, God gave us two hands so that we could serve one another.  Every Christian has a spiritual gift that they are given to use to serve other Christians. In this way we bear up one another's weaknesses and strengthen and encourage one another.  When you are sitting on the sidelines, either because you don't know what your gifting is or because your life is to busy, you are withholding some of God's gifts to the church from your brothers and sisters.  Get in a life group or join a ministry team where you can use your hands, or better yet your whole self, to love your neighbor as yourself.

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