What does it take to be a Regular Attendee?

Friday, June 29, 2012
Every week we are blessed with First Time Guests at Next Level.  There are a number of reasons they come.  It may be they saw the signs or they heard about an event we were sponsoring or you invited them.  But there is only one reason they stay…they find a friend.  And thankfully they are finding friends, people they can relate to at Next Level. 
My favorite part of the week is on Mondays when I am reviewing the connection cards from Sunday.  It is during this time that I not only see the numerous first time guests but what I am more excited about is when I see the box regular attendee checked by a family who was a first time guest just a few weeks earlier.  Nice job Next Level.   Because you cared enough to talk to someone you did not know in the lobby, or sit beside someone who was by themselves, or take a few extra minutes to get to know the parents as they registered their kids for Kid City.  Because you decided that Sunday morning was not about you, our guests are feeling comfortable enough to call Next Level their home.  Way to go. 

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