A Next Step: Family Devotional

Sunday, January 10, 2010
What a morning! More people were on campus at NLC than at any other time in 2009 except for Christmas Eve and Easter - what an amazing start to the year so far!

The Big Idea this morning was this: Great parents are all-out providers.

And great parents provide in these three areas:
-material and emotional support
-spiritual courage and confidence
-a godly example

One of the next steps in the teaching, under the spiritual courage and confidence heading, was to engage your family in a devotional designed to get you talking about God, life, and the Bible. And we promised you a sample...here it is! The format is simple - gather everyone together, pray briefly, read the verses together, ask and discuss the questions, and pray when you are finished!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take" - Proverbs 3:5-6, New Living Translation

1. What are the verbs in these verses? (trust, depend, seek, show)
2. Can you think of some ways (at school, at work, in sports or other activities) that you depend on your own understanding to know the best thing to do or believe?
3. Who is the person or persons whom you trust the most?
4. What do you think it would mean - concretely and specifically - to trust God in these very areas?
5. If you trust him and seek his will, what is the promise he makes to you?

End by a time of praying and thanking God for his promise and specifically praying "Lord, show me the path for my life in this area:_________"

Check back later this week to see what kinds of progress you have made, obstacles you have encountered, or questions family members may have. And pray for your kids every day as they try to live out the truth of this incredibly important passage.

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