Monday Recap

Monday, October 17, 2011
Huge day for us as we finished ONE THING, our four week series focusing on the essence of the Gospel, the Good News at the heart of the Christian faith.

We looked at Mark 1:14-15 as we examined the question - how do we take the knowledge about the Gospel we have learned and apply it to our lives every day.

According to Jesus, there are twin pistons to the Christian life - repentance and belief (faith).

Repentance is when I change my mind and my direction, based on my understanding that I am living in a way contrary to God's purposes.

Belief is when I stake my life on the promises of God as revealed in Scripture, particularly the promises related to Jesus.

When my life alternates between repentance (based not on guilt or shame but rather on the fact that I see what Jesus has done for me on the Cross and this compels my loving obedience) and belief (applying my absolute trust in Christ for every area of my life) I am living in the light of the ONE THING that is of ultimate importance!

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