Weekend Recap (Guest Blogger: Robbie McLaughlin)

Monday, August 29, 2011
I hope you had as great of a weekend as I did! It started off with a wedding for two great peeps from NLC, then we kicked off round two of TRUE GRIT yesterday morning, and topped it all off with a little FUEL last night where we enjoyed a great word from Pastor Todd and took communion together! Plus afterwards, I got the privilege of hangin with some great middle school volunteers at the house. All in all, I couldn't have asked for a better (or more packed) weekend!

Campus was boomin Sunday morning! It was a packed house for week two of TRUE GRIT. Now, I'm still convinced people are only showing up for the peanuts, but i digress... The band opened with BACKWARDS by Rascal Flatts and NAILED it! They also covered the country hit, "What Was I Thinkin" and it was an absolute blast. I had the honor of being able to teach part two of our series where we dove into the second half of the second chapter of the second letter Paul wrote to Timothy. (Seconds anyone?) In the letter, Paul talks to Timothy about leading a life that will be pleasing to the Lord, so that when all is said and done, He can say "well done." Through the tone of the chapter he reiterates repeatedly that the best way to show yourself as one approved by the Lord is by avoiding careless speech, and being careful with our words. Why? Because, and this was the big idea for the morning, "OUR WORDS GIVE TESTIMONY TO WHO WE REALLY ARE."

But our words aren't produced by our mouth, do they? Jesus said, that our words come from our HEART. So to fix our speech, we must examine our heart, and remove anything that festers there that may not bring honor to the name of Jesus. When carefully guard our heart, our speech will follow suit, and when our speech follows suit, people will know WHOSE we really are. If you want to dive a little deeper in to this topic, take some time, and read through Matthew 12:33-37.

I hope you are looking forward to week 3 of TRUE GRIT! I know I am!

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