You're Missing a BIG Part of the Story...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
I've got bad news for you.

You've been missing part of the story. It's ok, it happens to the best of us. Let me explain.

Easter is the best ending of any story in human history, the story of Jesus' time on earth. Seriously, as far as endings go, it doesn't get any more epic and amazing and perfect than God Himself rising from the dead, a resurrection that secured a perfect hope and freedom for all who follow Him.

We all know the ending, but how did Jesus get to that empty tomb? Where is the conflict? Where is the story?

On Easter weekend, you can get the whole story at Next Level Church, starting with the Good Friday service on April 6th at 7pm at the Matthews Campus. That's right, both campuses, worshipping together at the Matthews Campus on Good Friday, and that's where you're going to get the conflict, the back-story to the empty tomb, the stuff that makes it mean so much more.

Then, on April 8th, we've got four different Easter services going on between our two campuses, 10am at Blakeney, and 8am, 930am, and 11am at Matthews. This is the one you invite EVERYONE you know to come check out, it's going to be one of the best services of the year.

So there you go, the perfect opportunity to get the whole story, from beginning to end. Don't miss it!


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