Our Most Important Worship Service Ever

Thursday, April 29, 2010
That's one of those almost over the top blog titles, but listen to this...

I believe that THIS Sunday will be the most important teaching service we have ever had for parents, kids, and anyone who will ever be a parent or have a kid.

We are going to cut through all the noise and chatter surrounding parenting and get to what the Bible says are the three most important messages your kid needs to hear and to internalize.

If your kid DOES hear and internalize these three messages I can promise you that they will be a difference-maker and world-changer no matter what life throws at them.

Plus, we have a gift for every parent willing to make the commitment to insure that their child gets those messages.

You do NOT want to miss this Sunday and you do not want to miss INVITING your friends who need to hear this message.

I'm looking forward to seeing the Fools' Bench crowded and people fighting for seats!

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