Sunday Recap

Monday, January 17, 2011
In the third week of Livin' on a Prayer we focused on the key question "What should we pray for?", studying Luke 11:3-4.

We saw this crucial truth - even when Jesus is teaching us about the things we should pray for, his real preoccupation is telling us more about God's character and how He wants to make us more like Him as we pray.

The passage tells us three important things about God:

God is generous
When we ask for enough food for the day, we are reminding ourselves that He is the source of everything. We are also reminding ourselves that many people in the world don't have enough food for the day and that we are in part the answer to our own prayers.

God is forgiving
God's heart is to forgive us for our spiritual debt which he made possible when Jesus took our debt on himself at the Cross.
Forgiven people forgive people, rather than burying or framing (harboring) resentment and unforgiveness when we have been hurt.

God is a good leader
He knows that we are vulnerable to sin and temptation and so he wants to lead us to places and people that are healthy and good. And he wants us to take seriously our responsibility to lead those whom we have responsibility for.

Follow-Up Questions
1. Does God want to change me in one or more of these areas - generosity. forgiveness, leadership? Which one (s)?

2. What specifically does God want to change in me?

3. Where in my life am I demonstrating generosity? Where could I improve?

4. Do I know - really know - that because of the Cross I am forgiven?

5. Is there anyone in my life I need to forgive?

6. Where am I most vulnerable to temptation? Am I willing - right now - to ask God to lead me, and to follow His leadership?

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