Speaking of Families...(Robbie)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
We are in a teaching series now called "Famreality" which is all about God's dream for our family life. I just recently started my family (recently meaning the last few years...). The whole idea of leading a family is a fairly new concept for me. But...I'm learning as I go, and loving every moment of it! I'm also really glad to be a part of a church that takes time out of every year to focus on what God's desires are for our families.

Part of that focus is a yearly day called Family Dedication. It's not a magical voodoo ceremony, where Next Level blesses your family to have 100 years of flourishing crops, and unending bounty. It's a much simpler than that...

By taking part in Family Dedication you are saying two very simple yet important things:

1.) You, as parents, or as a single parent, publicly express your commitment to raise your child or children with Biblical principles and values in a Christian home.

2.) We as a publicly express our commitment to walk beside you as parents, and to help encourage you to be the parent God has called you to be.

So, if you are a parent, or parents, and have never taken part in a Family Dedication, I challenge you to sign up. It's going to be Sunday May 10th, in both services. An easy way to remember is the fact that it's on Mother's Day.

Signing up is easy. Simply email our Childrens Pastor, Rene Gillming at mynameisrene@aol.com. And in the subject line, write "FAMILY DEDICATION." Make sure your family doesn't miss out on this great opportunity. See you Sunday!

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