To give a little background, many of you know in the spring we did our second Home Makeover Project. We had more than 200 volunteers show up and love on a single mom and her daughters. After the Home Makeover I received over a dozen emails from men and women wanting to do more projects like this. Our next scheduled Home Makeover Project isn't until the spring of 2010 and there is no way we could tell these awesome servants and skilled laborers they had to wait til then to serve! At the same time I also had 3 guys approach me and ask about starting a car repair team. It is definetely God doing something incredible when He calls leaders to step forward before a ministry is launched!
So, here is how it will work! This Sunday you can either check on your connection card or sign up at a table in the lobby that you want to be a part of either the car repair team or home repair team. You do not have to be super skilled to be on these teams. But if you are super skilled we are in need of leaders for these teams. The projects may be things as simple as painting or planting flowers, or as complicated as putting new brakes on a car (is that complicated?? It sounds like it should be!). Over the next few weeks we will be forming teams and your team leader will be in contact with you. Starting this fall your "team" will serve one Saturday every other month to single moms, families at Rock Rest Elementary and people within our community of Stallings.
As uaual at NLC, God is up to something big and I encourage you to jump in and give yourself away. I promise amazing things will happen!!